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SeeInMe Serves the Caregivers of People with Complex Needs

SeeInMe understands & address the needs of the individual, caregiver, & provider

SeeInMe keeps the entire care network on the same page. This includes providers of caregiving systems and solutions including residential care communities, government agencies, and insurance companies.

SeeInMe Serves Caregivers of People with Complex Needs

SeeInMe understands & address the needs of the individual, caregiver, & provider

SeeInMe coordinates care. This includes providers of caregiving systems and solutions including government agencies and insurance companies.

Graphic of a mother and her son with special needs. They are happy and she is holding his wrist.
A happy, little boy with glasses and a red backpack looking up at the person holding his hand.

SeeInMe Ensures Children in Foster Care are Seen, Safe, and Secure

Improve communication with everyone in the extended care network

SeeInMe reduces the likelihood of disrupted placements and the challenges of transitioning to a new placement. Easy consistent access to personalized information results in fewer negative incidents.

SeeInMe profile on a phone featuring "Joan". You can see the SeeInMe logo, a headline about her day, her image, any allergies she has, a button to call her emergency contact, a brief intro paragraph about her, and the following sections of information: "My Triggers", "My Soothing Strategies", "Activities I Enjoy", "Things I'm Proud of", and "When I do X, it Means Y".
Home healthcare worker embracing her grandmother.

SeeInMe Ensures Adults in Elder Care Are Seen, Safe, and Secure

Increase trust through access, coordination, and collaboration

SeeInMe helps providers deliver whole-person care, socialization, and meaning for seniors. Personalized information, easily accessed helps make a positive difference for caregivers and family members.

SeeInMe profile on a phone featuring "Joan". You can see the SeeInMe logo, a headline about her day, her image, any allergies she has, a button to call her emergency contact, a brief intro paragraph about her, and the following sections of information: "My Triggers", "My Soothing Strategies", "Activities I Enjoy", "Things I'm Proud of", and "When I do X, it Means Y".
White transparent graphical overlay element of a portion of a vertically flattened oval.

Schedule a Demo

Let us show you how SeeInMe works and helps healthcare teams and providers improve the quality of care. Schedule a 15-minute demo.

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