Better Understanding
Equals Better Care
Easy access to the important details
Easy access to the important details

Compassionate Care
Through SeeInMe Profiles
Person-centered profiles ensure
individual needs are met

Better care comes from understanding individual needs. Access personal and unique information – from the individual’s perspective – easily, securely, and immediately.
Clearly displayed on each profile is the individual’s picture, name, emergency contact information, and a need-to-know headline.
The HIPAA-compliant SeeInMe profile including social, behavioral, and medical information, allows caregivers to deliver tailored, empathic care.

Coordinated Care That
Follows the Individual
Quickly unlock what makes them unique
Maintain a consistent level of care addressing the needs of the individual, caregiver, and provider. Coordinated care from the person’s perspective facilitates better caregiving experiences.

Coordinated Care That
Follows the Individual
Quickly unlock what makes them unique
Maintain a consistent level of care addressing the needs of the individual, caregiver, and provider. Coordinated care from the person’s perspective facilitates better caregiving experiences.
Instant Familiarity
Eases Doubt & Fear
Reduce stress when individual
needs are met
Personalized information, centered around the individual, provides for better caregiving experiences and peace of mind. SeeInMe is a human-touch technology solution that provides access to information critical to caregivers.
Improve Quality of Life
for Team Members & Those In Need
Quality coordinated care for individuals with complex needs drives bottom-line revenue
SeeInMe helps set your agency apart with increased employee and consumer satisfaction, loyalty, and reduced burn out.

Easy, Real-time Access
to Important Details
SeeInMe enables person-centered care for at-risk individuals, foster children, the elderly, and anyone with a communication challenge.
United Healthcare Group is committed to doing whatever it takes to bring SeeInMe to fruition.
Audrey Masoner, CFO of United Healthcare
It’s a game-changer for me as a parent because it helps me to not worry to the point of an ulcer when Charlie’s not in front of me.
Emily C., mother of an autistic child
You have an amazing company on your hands and I'll do whatever I can to help make it a success. The world needs this, unequivocally.
Dr. Keegan Walden, Co-founder & COO of Torch

Schedule a Demo
SeeInMe helps caregivers reduce disruption and the challenges that come with the delivery of person-centered care. Schedule a demo to learn more.